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Independent professionals have seen their workload increase significantly in recent years. Almost two thirds of interim managers indicate that they are expected to accomplish more in less time. This is shown by recent research conducted by Michael Page.

The research findings are closely related to the recovering job market, says Mischa Voogt, Managing Director at Michael Page. “During the crisis businesses have had to make drastic cuts to their staff. Now that the economy is a little better, companies quickly need new people. These places, particularly in the short term, are filled by interim professionals. At the same time, due to increased pressure during the crisis, businesses have optimised their efficiency. As a result, the same amount of work must now be completed by fewer people. Therefore more is expected from interim managers.”

Heavier roles

Voogt suspects that interim professionals’ workload will not decrease, even once the economy gets back to its full stride. “Business management has changed too much. Corporate divisions have been bridged. For example, the finance and (parts of) the IT department currently overlap. As a result, interim managers can no longer be specialists in a single area. More will be expected of them. Causing roles to become heavier.” 

However, interim managers’ workload is below average. Globally, nearly 80% of interim managers indicate that their workload has increased. Temporary workers outside of management roles have also seen an increased workload: in the Netherlands, 60% of flexible workers indicate that they are given less time to complete their tasks. Globally this is nearly 70%.

Positive about their job

Despite the increased workload, the majority of interim candidates are positive about their role. “For many candidates, interim management remains a very lucrative option,” says Voogt. “Especially ICT or sectors like finance and procurement have a high demand for good candidates. Moreover, the job market for interim managers in the Netherlands is much more developed than it is in most other countries. While elsewhere, candidates sometimes accept an interim management role because they cannot find a permanent job, in the Netherlands, most candidates make a conscious decision to pursue the interim opportunity. Our interim candidates often have extensive experience in the business world and view this as the next step in their career.” 

Are you looking for an interim professional? Find out what Michael Page can do for you. Click here to read FAQs about the new DBA Act.

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